Current Weather Conditions at WRKN
63° |
High:63 ° |
Low:50° |
Wind Chill:63°
Comfort Level: Comfortable |
Wind: |
11 mph
from the WSW |
Gust: |
12 mph |
Today's High Wind: |
11 mph |
Humidity: |
100% |
Pressure: |
30.12 in |
Pressure Rate of change: |
--0.02in/hr |
Dew Point: |
63° |
Dew Point Low: |
50° at 7:44am |
Wind Chill: |
63° |
Wind Chill Low: |
50° at 7:44am |
Heat Index: |
70° |
Heat Index High: |
70° at 12:59pm |
Comfort Level |
Comfortable |
Rate of change: |
0.51°/hr |
Current UV Index |
1.6 Minimum Erythermal Dose |
UV Index High |
1.8 at 12:57pm |
Solar Radiation |
239 Watts/Square Meter |
Solar Radiation High |
283 at 12:56pm |
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